Imagine eFiling your Notice of Leave of Absence into every one of your cases at the same time… so effortlessly that you won’t mind when the dates change (and change again).
Imagine the ease. Imagine the joy.
eFile one notice into an unlimited number of cases, as often as you like. No limits, ever.
Above all other requests, you asked (read: demanded) that we create some sort of mechanism that will help you save time and reduce stress when “Notice of Leave” day rolls around in your office.
OK. Consider it done…
Subscribe to PeachCourt+ by logging into your PeachCourt account and clicking “Subscribe” on the My Cases page. ! It’s that simple!
As a subscriber, the benefits don’t stop here! You also get all of the features included in PeachCourt+ to lighten your workload. Click here for more information about these features.