What’s different about eFiling with PeachCourt
in Fulton County Superior Court?
We identified three opportunities to improve your experience when eFiling in Fulton County Superior Court including ways to eliminate potential problems WITHOUT eliminating your options. We believe PeachCourt is the most user-friendly and well-supported eFiling platform in the world, so we got to work to eliminate these challenges.
The first improvement is specific to the electronic service list. With two eFiling options, there have been two separate eService lists. Separate lists means a possibility that not all appropriate parties are notified of each new filing. Problem solved! There is now one and only one eService list.
The second improvement deals with reviewing incoming filings. With two eFiling options, our friends at the Fulton County Superior Court clerk’s office had to manage two separate “inboxes” for incoming filings. Problem solved! There is now one and only one eFiling inbox for the Clerk’s Office.
The third improvement pertains to financial accounting. With two eFiling options, the Clerk’s Office has had to manage two separate procedures for reconciling funds that accompany filings. Problem solved! There is now one and only one financial reconciliation process.
To overcome these three challenges, we built a new PeachCourt from the ground up to work smoothly with the software Fulton County Superior Court uses. You are the first group of PeachCourt users to see the new and improved PeachCourt. You can think of this as the “new” PeachCourt or “PeachCourt 2.0.”
Let’s get into the specifics so you’ll know exactly what to expect.
When you initiate a new civil case in Fulton County Superior Court, you must create and upload the Civil Case Information Form. You will also have to create and upload any other documents, such as a Summons and a Sheriff’s Entry of Service.
In the “classic” version of PeachCourt, you have no doubt used the case docket page to view the details of a case and the chronological list of documents filed into that case. Being plugged into Fulton Superior’s case management system has its benefits, though one drawback is we are not able to display the list of case documents within the new PeachCourt.
If you already have an Odyssey eFile Georgia account, you can use that username and password with the new PeachCourt.
You can count on us to keep improving PeachCourt, week in and week out. As we do, we will let you know how to make the most of the new system.
Thank you for giving us the chance to take care of you. As a Georgia company, we are thrilled and honored to serve you! We wish you all the best and HAPPY E-FILING!
(For a guide to using the new and improved PeachCourt 2.0 in Fulton Superior Court, click here!)